Where your choice ?

Posted by yana | 10:45 AM

1. success but you don't have time
2. Have much time but you not success
3. Success and have much time.

I know Every one choose point 3. So HOW to getting and seize that ? For info Klik here, I'll to help to getting that.


Posted by yana | 10:38 AM

Janganlah kita menjadi seorang pekerja (karyawan) sepanjang hidup kita, usahakan dan haruslah kita menjadi seorang Entrepreneur Mengapa demikian ?. karena itu akan menjadikan hidup kita lebih berarti dan bervariasi. Dan yang pasti hidup kita jauh akan lebih baik (Bahagia).

History of Kurma

Posted by yana | 10:26 AM

Kurma wellborn from jazirah arab , The latine name is phoenixdactilyfera. Was named because connected with phoenix bird, the bird can reincarnation before died [Mesir people and Greece outdated reliance]
uterus substance of kurma :
zat gula antara 75 - 87%, glukosa 55%, fructose 45%, Vit A, B2,B12 and the important others substance like : kalsium, phosphor, potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, cobalt, seng (zinc), florin, nuhas, salyolosa.
Fraktosa will change to glukosa quickly and direct accept with assimilation , and to deliver to all of body, especially to important organ like brain, nerve, bloody red cell, and cleaner bone cell