History of Kurma

Posted by yana | 10:26 AM

Kurma wellborn from jazirah arab , The latine name is phoenixdactilyfera. Was named because connected with phoenix bird, the bird can reincarnation before died [Mesir people and Greece outdated reliance]
uterus substance of kurma :
zat gula antara 75 - 87%, glukosa 55%, fructose 45%, Vit A, B2,B12 and the important others substance like : kalsium, phosphor, potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, cobalt, seng (zinc), florin, nuhas, salyolosa.
Fraktosa will change to glukosa quickly and direct accept with assimilation , and to deliver to all of body, especially to important organ like brain, nerve, bloody red cell, and cleaner bone cell